Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Power of Surrender

I'm feeling better and stronger each day.  After getting things off my chest about my heart, I feel at peace. 

I'm appreciating the many opportunities to practice surrendering to what is during this experience.  I'm noticing many of the things I used to worry over, or want to change, just don't matter any more.  Surrendering is about letting go of the need to control.  It's about appreciating what this moment is offering.  For me right now, it is the richness of life itself.  Words seem so inadequate to the feelings that come up.  It seems to not really make sense.  Nothing makes sense any more.  It just IS. 

It's amazing to me how powerful it can be to face the demons in our lives.  The parts of us that we would like to ignore, or hide from, or deny.  I am appreciating the power of humility to lead to the path of LOVE, the power of a heart broken open to let LOVE in, the power of facing death to appreciate LIFE, and the power of unraveling the ego to realize our innocence.

I would love to hear your shares.  I'm imagining we have all experienced letting go, and letting LOVE in.


  1. Beloved Linda Love:-)
    I am so appreciating you sharing your journey. Thank you!
    I feel incredibly happy to hear that you are feeling better and better. I have been thinking about you frequently and wanting to come see you but keep telling myself that you need space and time for recovery. I have been sending mass amounts of love your way and I would love to know when and how I can best support and assist you. You are such an amazing, loving, wise presence in my life. I see you as the humble, wise medicine woman of the community. To be honored and respected and listened to. Thank you so much for being so brave for so long and for being committed to the truth. Your relationship with Gary is a beautiful example for me and anyone who is willing to see.
    Thank you for all that you are and have been in my life. :-)
    Christopher John

  2. I'm so happy you are feeling better physically, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for having the courage to share ALL. While reading "Teachings of the Masters" (I am on book 4), I identify with what "IS" within, and why you began this journey.
    My thoughts and love go your way many times each and every day.
