I feel so much joy! Three weeks after my 8 Day Process I am still experiencing something I've dreamed of for many years. I really do have a choice to eat or not! It feels like my relationship with food is finally coming into balance. I can just taste my favorite flavors of food, be completely satisfied, and just eat for social! It feels so surreal, so liberating! No fear around eating or not eating. I feel ecstatic!!
I know it's only been 22 days since I started. It's still new. Such a new place in my body, in fact, I sometimes notice a little self doubt creep up. In my conditioned mind, it logically doesn't make sense that I can still feel strength and energy in my body, clarity of mind, and little or no hunger, on a tiny fraction of the food I normally eat. Mostly watered down juice or water. A nibble of fresh fruit here and there, maybe even my favorite chips occasionally, for pleasure.
Seriously, the only times I feel a little weakness or hunger is when my mind starts telling me this can't be real, or that I might be doing something wrong, or that this can't last. Or when I disconnect from my breath and go into my ego mind.
When I notice myself wanting something, and pay attention to what my body is asking for, I remember to breathe in the stream of non-separateness, the Presence, Love of God, self love, whatever you want to call it, my energy is renewed. I feel so alive!