Friday, January 17, 2025

Three Main Levels of Co-creation

I have noticed that every law or principle runs on three main levels of conscious awareness whether it be relationship to family,  health,  money,  spirituality,  ways of being,  or any co-creation we are involved in as human beings.   

1- Unconscious/Don’t want: On this level, beliefs exist in the subconscious mind from environmental conditioning.  This could be cell memories of ancestors, energetic cultural conditioning, religious, familial, or authoritative influences, mental conditioning, or emotional trauma through childhood experiences.  

This level is often plagued with periods of drama, seemingly insurmountable challenges, depression, frustration, and a general feeling of hopelessness to change the situation.  On this level we fall victim to circumstances, people, or events and hang out in blame, shame and guilt much of the time, while repeating unconscious behaviors that produce the same results. "Wherever we go, there we are." 

2- Conscious/Do want: On this level we desire something, believe it is possible, visualize, cultivate, and take action towards its manifestation, popularly known as the “Law of Attraction”.  This level cultivates an understanding of the process of life and our ability to create what we need or desire.  We begin to get in touch with what works and what doesn't work because we are committed to "creating" what we want.  

This level is full of opportunities for growth, learning, healing, letting go of old beliefs or unconscious decisions we have made about life.  Becoming aware of issues that no longer serve our vision nor our innate desire to move forward into something better.  This stage is full of surprises, as one discovers layers of unconscious patterns that have had their way, and makes choices for something new and different.  I call this "Inner Work", because we realize at this stage that we co-create our reality through the subconscious thoughts we hold within our psyche, and we chose to consciously change non-working behaviors.  Being a witness of Self is key to movement and success in this stage of development.

Super Conscious/Love:  Level three, free of desire,
 simply holding the frequency of Love and gratitude for what IS, while witnessing Love manifesting the form that serves the highest good. Here you find yourself in the ever new bliss of living the mystery of life, loving what is, Being in JOY!  Appreciating things you may never have even noticed before.

When Love decides what gets to be created, there is no effort to it. Creating comes as easefully as breathing, with a clear intention to serve Love, trusting Love to be Omniscient,
 while being open to receiving abundance and learning beyond belief.  At this level you live above the known laws of what is possible.  You remain open to all possibilities,  with a knowing that, with God, all things are possible.  Embracing what is, letting go of attachments. Being in the attitude of gratitude is key to movement in each stage of consciousness.  This stage requires a diligent practice of honesty, accountability, integrity, and presence. It feels like magic.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Exploring a New Way of Being

I feel so much joy! Three weeks after my 8 Day Process I am still experiencing something I've dreamed of for many years. I really do have a choice to eat or not! It feels like my relationship with food is finally coming into balance. I can just taste my favorite flavors of food, be completely satisfied, and just eat for social! It feels so surreal, so liberating! No fear around eating or not eating. I feel ecstatic!! 

I know it's only been 22 days since I started.  It's still new. Such a new place in my body, in fact, I sometimes notice a little self doubt creep up.  In my conditioned mind, it logically doesn't make sense that I can still feel strength and energy in my body, clarity of mind, and little or no hunger, on a tiny fraction of the food I normally eat.  Mostly watered down juice or water.  A nibble of fresh fruit here and there, maybe even my favorite chips occasionally, for pleasure.

Seriously, the only times I feel a little weakness or hunger is when my mind starts telling me this can't be real, or that I might be doing something wrong, or that this can't last.  Or when I disconnect from my breath and go into my ego mind.

When I notice myself wanting something, and pay attention to what my body is asking for, I remember to breathe in the stream of non-separateness, the Presence, Love of God, self love, whatever you want to call it, my energy is renewed.  I feel so alive!  

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Completing the 8 Day Process

I was shocked and the amount of weight I dropped in that short time.  I went right down to the weight I really like to be, and my body feels so clean!  I never felt emaciated, just weak in energy until we did the breathing.  Then I felt revived.

The sixth day, I started out the day with delicious water.  I had learned, from the last time I fasted, to sip and chew the water or suck on ice chips rather that gulp it.  It goes down and absorbs much better without shocking the body.  

Then, in the afternoon I went to juice.  I found the watery juices are much easier to transition with, and still wanted to take it slow. No gulp.  I really got a chance to connect with whatever was going in.  This could be really handy for learning which foods my body has a sensitivity to. I chose grape juice for the evening in case there was anything left in my colon that might be coaxed out.  Yep!

The seventh day I could move to coconut water, watery soups, and tea. It was very interesting to take all of it in slowly throughout the day and notice which juices my body likes.  My body was so sensitive, it made it easy.  It didn't really care for the bone broth.  

The eighth day was the best!  I learned all the breathing, incorporated the whole program and my energy level was surprisingly good.  Today, I transitioned back to food. My body loved the grapes, but not so much the tangerine.  

I didn't have any hunger the whole time.  It was painless and easeful.  It expanded my awareness around breathing.  Akahi has beautiful affirmations for each day, which I used to say a blessing and be with whatever I consumed.  He also teaches how to use the Pranic energy in your hands for healing. 

In The Beginning

My 8 Day Process

I began a water fast the day after we arrived home from Hawaii, Friday 22, 2016, to prepare my body for the 8 Day Process. I set a date to start the process Sunday, so I just did water with a colon cleanser on  Friday and Saturday to have a fresh start.

Each day there are two videos to teach the breathing, and some powerful affirmations.  Also, Akahi brings in the elements to assist. The first day we could have fresh fruits or salad, but I chose to just do juice.  I was completely satisfied with that after the water fast. 

Second day, I did juice and transitioned to water in the afternoon.  The 3rd and 4th days were dry days.  No liquid. Just breathing.  This time, I had people who offered to support me through these days.  It was very nice.  It made the time very pleasant.  I am super impressed with the amount of energy I got during this time with the breathing.  These are the days I didn't sleep much.  

I felt pretty weak the third and fourth days, and was relieved to know it is just because your body has a chance to really go deep, and it's working very hard to clean out at a cellular level. The three dry days are when your body looks for other sources of food and learns to use the Prana energy as a source.  This is permanent, because the body now remembers.

The fifth day, I could have water after 8:00 p.m.  My mouth felt like it does when you just come out of surgery and can only have ice chips.  You can bet I was brushing and swishing my mouth all day.  I made it much more bearable.  I was amazed at the elimination of toxins just with breath!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Journey to Breatharian? A new adventure!

The last couple of months, I have felt very heavy, physically, mentally and emotionally.  I was getting bored with food.  It wasn't feeling good in my body even when I tried to eat less.  I pondered what to do. I knew something needed to change around food.

I was surfing FaceBook when I ran across a video of a breatharian named Akahi Ricardo, whom I had met in 2013 on YouTube. I was impressed at that time because he and his wife had had a baby in the breatharian state.

This time was selling a video course on an 8 Day Process he had developed.  I knew instantly I wanted to try it. I had experienced a long, arduous process in 2011 with little or no guidance. In spite of gaining amazing insights on my own, It was pretty scary and painful. I thought I would never fast again.

Everything he said on the video resonated with me, and I finally realized what was missing in my experience was Pranic breathing. I bought the course and am currently on my 8th day, feeling great! Which surprised me immensely!

This is not a starvation diet to stop eating!  It is a full on training in teaching the body the ancient practise of Pranic breathing, which can possibly lead to a new experience with food.  

One very important thing I've learned is not to have breatharianism as your goal.  Instead, it can be a natural consequence of Pranic breathing, and focusing your attention on Love, Happiness, and Presence. Presence. Presence. 

Welcome to my new journey of Love, Happiness, and Presence! How does it work? What are the secrets? These three states seem so elusive in a world of distraction and seeking. It may well lead me to understand the deeper meaning of life.  Please join me in the discussion if you feel to, or just leave comments.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Self Compassion

At the end of 2013, when I was experiencing so much pain, I knew the antidote was self Love.  I have practiced various methods of emotional clearing and I knew I had just gone deeper. I had discovered a deep seated anger and resentment toward my little two year old self and needed to forgive her.  

It's easy to say, "Love and forgive yourself", but how does that feel?   I couldn't feel anything.  Again, the question, "How do I love myself?"  The next day I received in the mail a book by Marshall B. Rosenberg called Nonviolent Communication.  He has a whole chapter called "Connecting Compassionately With Ourselves". How timely is that?

The main message in this chapter is connecting and answering your needs in the moment.  "We are compassionate with ourselves when we are able to embrace all parts of ourselves and recognize the NEEDS and values expressed by each part."  "Self-forgiveness: connecting with the need we were trying to meet when we took the action that we now regret." I could now forgive my little two year old with the understanding that she was answering my needs in that moment.  She needed the hug of approval so she could breathe again and feel loved.  (Check out my other blog, Pearls to Receiving Bliss "The Spanking", for the whole story.) 

One thing I know for sure.  You can only have love, forgiveness, and compassion for others to the degree that you have established it for yourself.  I had formed such a terrible habit of self abuse and wasn't aware of the root cause.  It kept showing up like a hard wired instinctual reaction.  I couldn't seem to get a grip on it.  This chapter on self compassion was so effective because it was about measurable actions I could take and practice, to assist me in breaking my habit.  

One of the things from his book that really gave me a clear picture for the antidote, "Shame is a form of self-hatred, and actions taken in reaction to shame are not free and joyful acts." ~ It seems the word should is a violent word with massive power to create shame and guilt.

The picture forming in my mind is the "should" and "have to" words are like handcuffs on a slave, whether they come from inside us or outside.  As human beings on a planet of Free will, we are not meant to be slaves to any form of authority.  So when we give in to the demands of "should", "ought to", or "have to", we dehumanize ourselves.  We keep ourselves in a mental prison.  The irony, of course, is that we have the key.  It's called Self Love.

Innocence is defined as a state of childlikeness; being free from expectations, attachments, beliefs, guile, and judgement.   Innocence is where we find our essence.  I confess, as a parent, I stole my children's innocence by "shoulding" all over them.  I taught them well how to do it to themselves, just like my parents unwittingly taught me.  I now have the opportunity to reteach myself and model self compassion for them.  

I now know that any action I take gets to come from the desire to contribute to life rather than out of fear, guilt, shame, or obligation.  I realize, as I do this, I let go of the codependent tendencies in our relationships.  The attachments and expectations of the "shoulds".

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Seven Mirrors of Sacred Relationship

True sacred relationship begins with yourself because all relationships are reflections of you. Yes, it may be true that your partner does things that annoy you.   Even though they may be behaving in a particular way, you are the one who feels triggered. Therefore it is always yourself that you are in a relationship with first and foremost.
You are always being reminded of yourself in one way or another in any relationship but especially in the really close ones. This also means that you get to see the most beautiful parts of who you are as well as the ones that could be even happier.
There are seven essential mirrors for building sacred relationships based on the teachings of the Essenes, and shared here by James Gilliand. Since we live in a world that is based on attraction everything we do think or say will either attract what we want or repel it. This is based on the energy that we are radiating out into the universe all of the time. So we know that taking full personal responsibility for everything we have ever done, said, or thought in this life or another is the first fundamental quality of creating a sacred relationship.  Seeing everything as a mirror, which is only reflecting parts of ourselves, is the next fundamental idea.  It is one of the most powerful and effective tools I know.
The Seven Mirrors of Sacred Relationship
  • The First Mirror reflects to us that which we are. It is something we ourselves have been doing or where we ourselves have been in error or wounded.
  • The Second Mirror reflects back to us that which we judge. It is something we have been wounded by and have an emotional charge on. It can be something we have done in the past that we have not forgiven. It is good to discern however that when we condemn another with an emotional charge we are most likely judging ourselves.
  • The Third Mirror reflects back to us something we have Lost, Given Away or had Taken Away. When we see something we love in another it is often something we have lost, given away or that has been stolen, in our own lives. Every relationship is a relationship with self, and often we try to reclaim what we lost, gave away or had taken away as a child. All of which can be reclaimed within self.
  • The Fourth Mirror reflects back to us our most forgotten love. This could be a way of life, or a lost or unfinished relationship. Often it is a past life where a wrong conclusion from a past experience was created. These will recreate themselves over and over and over again until the conclusion is registered in the soul as wisdom.
  • The Fifth Mirror reflects back Father/Mother. It is often said that we marry our father or mother. We also often become them, acting out both healthy and unhealthy patterns we learned as a child. Our father and mother are often like Gods to us and so we will often reflect aspects of our relationship with them onto our partners. We often choose our partners based on our relationship with our parents.
  • The Sixth Mirror reflects back to us the Quest for Darkness or what is often referred to as a dark night of the soul. This is when we meet our greatest challenges, our greatest fears, and have been gathering the tools from life to confront and deal with them. The most important thing to remember is that our soul is giving us these opportunities to grow and evolve and that we are not victims.
  • The Seventh Mirror reflects back to us our self perception. Others will perceive and treat us according to how we treat and perceive ourselves. If we have low self-esteem and do not see ourselves as worthy of love, or do not see our own beauty, others will reflect that back and they will not value us or see our beauty either. If we are bitter and unloving to others, they in kind may be that way with us. It is important here to learn how to be compassionate and loving with yourself and to embrace all that you are without judging yourself. Remember the only reason anyone has power over you is if they have something you want. Maybe that something, whether it be love, joy, or a personal connection to a Higher Power, can all be found within yourself.
These seven mirrors are just guidelines you can choose to use as ways to check in on where you are in your own self growth and awareness. Creating a sacred relationship requires that you first clean up your own messes, heal the wounded parts of yourself that get in the way of what you say you want and reclaim your power back from wherever you gave it away willingly or unwillingly.
When you take the time to work on your relationship with yourself first you will begin to notice the changes that are now being reflected back to you as you go about your life. You will begin to notice the difference in your relationship with your beloved. All relationships are sacred if we choose to hold it them that way but remember the one with yourself is the most important one you have.