Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Showing up in BEING the Change

One of the intentions of this Journey is to BE the change I wish to see in the world.  I imagined that this experience with/without food might assist me in getting in touch with what that would look like for me.  It turns out that I have been richly rewarded in this intention.

It is showing up in subtle ways such as avoiding purchases that create unnecessary, non-biodegradable trash, and various other ways of walking more gently on the earth.  At the same time, I am learning ways to boycott, through my purchases and my daily choices, corrupt systems that disregard and unnecessarily destroy life, human and otherwise.  It feels good to be making small changes in my choices rather than complain about things I can't change in the world.

In terms of food, I pay more attention to the way it is packaged and whether it is grown locally or governed by the WTO(World Trade Organization).  For the sake of my body, how much has it been processed?  Where are the laws of nature being honored?  Am I supporting my body's ability to renew, repair, and regenerate itself? ...or am I contributing to its breakdown?

In terms of non-food items, I think about why am I making this purchase?  Is it something needed, or am I acting out a subliminal program of consumerism that contributes to corruption on many levels? Who does it effect in a positive or negative way? Is it in alignment with the laws of nature and God?  What does it serve?

I perceive that we have been lulled or hypnotized into a state of "unrighteous dominion" or irresponsible stewardship of the resources of the planet.  At the same time, we have lost or at least diminished our inherent connection to and respect for Father Spirit and Mother Earth. 

I admire those who are taking action, each in their own capacity, to be more conscious about their soul purpose, and about exercising free will for the highest good of all.  I see this as the best way that I can serve and make a difference in the world at this point.

I don't stress about these things.  They are just things.  This commitment is a tool to assist me in BEING more present in my Journey.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Vapassana Times a Hundred

I noticed a phenomenon similar to what I experience when I do a 10 day Vapassana Course. This time it feels much deeper and more profound than I have ever experienced. That is, that I'm in a different place of peace and tranquility, more serene and sensitive than ever before.  Things that used to trigger me, or make me uncomfortable, simply don't any more. I now experience life with a greater appreciation and purpose.  More of a witness who participates with the intention to serve the highest good of all.

It seems that the severe break-down of my physical body opened a portal similar to what might be experienced in a NDE(Near Death Experience).  It's a place where time and space doesn't exist, only awareness. I find myself practicing being more present with my body, as the instrument of my spirit experiencing the physical. 

I feel much more connected to all life, and feel a deeper, richer respect and love for Mother Earth and ALL Her sentient beings.  My commitment to that connection is based on a practice of being more conscious about all my purchases and how I use the resources Mother Earth provides so abundantly.  Also, it shows up as being much more conscious of honoring my body and my soul purpose while dwelling on this physical plane.

As of a week ago, I have let go of ALL prescribed medications for my heart.  I physically feel better than EVER.  I have more energy than I can remember for a very long time. I do a weekly water fast.  I seldom feel hungry, and I eat what my body loves.  I have let go of judgements of good and bad foods, rather listening to my body's wisdom.

Bottom line, I'm back to my regular activities with a freer flow of energy and little effort.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Continuing the Journey

It's been two months since my last blog.  As of Sept. 30, it felt like I was mostly back, but the medications kept my blood pressure so low, I experienced a sort of heaviness in my energies. I felt determined to  exercise every day, either walking at least a mile a day, jumping on the trampoline, tai chi, or yoga. I'm appreciating the 25-30 pounds I let go of.  That was some heavy baggage. :)

I noticed when I began eating again, planning my meals was my  main activity and focus for a while.  I had  lot of work to do to bring my body back to the well being I had previously enjoyed and more.  I confess, it was more about enjoying the meal, AND staying conscious about what my body was asking for.  I learned from Don Tolman's FDR III  which foods supported the organs and systems that needed healing.  My body has responded very well and I've been able to maintain a good weight while rebuilding muscle and stamina.

I noticed from time to time, I didn't feel complete with the blog, but didn't know what to write about.  Sometimes I felt a twinge of failure and disappointment that I hadn't "achieved" inedia, until I remembered that there are NO failures, only learning and experiencing.  I had a RICH, EXQUISITE abundance of that, and feel grateful.

I came home from the hospital, Aug. 20, on 5 different medications to assist my body to regain normalcy.  A week later, another was added. It was rough, but I made it clear to the doc that I am interested in getting back to an even better state of health than before with NO medications.

I feel grateful that now, Nov. 7, all the medications have been dropped except 1/2 dose of one.  I am running up the stairs, and feeling better than I can ever  remember feeling.  I will be going in for an assessment at the end of December, and fully expect to be in full swing with no medications nor supplements.  Thank you, God.  I feel light and free in so many ways-mentally, emotionally, and physically.

My daily practice now is to BE present with my body, mind and spirit, applying what I learned about conscious eating, listening to intuition, and letting go of anything out of alignment with pure LOVE, as I become aware of it.  There is no TRYING. There is only BE, DO, HAVE, as I continue my journey.