I noticed a phenomenon similar to what I experience when I do a 10 day Vapassana Course. This time it feels much deeper and more profound than I have ever experienced. That is, that I'm in a different place of peace and tranquility, more serene and sensitive than ever before. Things that used to trigger me, or make me uncomfortable, simply don't any more. I now experience life with a greater appreciation and purpose. More of a witness who participates with the intention to serve the highest good of all.
It seems that the severe break-down of my physical body opened a portal similar to what might be experienced in a NDE(Near Death Experience). It's a place where time and space doesn't exist, only awareness. I find myself practicing being more present with my body, as the instrument of my spirit experiencing the physical.
I feel much more connected to all life, and feel a deeper, richer respect and love for Mother Earth and ALL Her sentient beings. My commitment to that connection is based on a practice of being more conscious about all my purchases and how I use the resources Mother Earth provides so abundantly. Also, it shows up as being much more conscious of honoring my body and my soul purpose while dwelling on this physical plane.
As of a week ago, I have let go of ALL prescribed medications for my heart. I physically feel better than EVER. I have more energy than I can remember for a very long time. I do a weekly water fast. I seldom feel hungry, and I eat what my body loves. I have let go of judgements of good and bad foods, rather listening to my body's wisdom.
Bottom line, I'm back to my regular activities with a freer flow of energy and little effort.
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