Saturday, March 8, 2014

How do You Measureably Love Yourself?

In nearly all the information I found concerning the Great Change, or Shift, the main theme was that we would be required to turn to Love in every moment, just to stay alive.  I see evidence of that already in many areas.  I see people fighting for their lives when old negative thought patterns are allowed to continue.  It seems that the new energy is requiring us to cleanse out negativity and replace fear with love, since negative thought patterns are based on fear. 

Science has proven that negative thoughts produce toxic chemicals in the body.  If it goes unchecked, it shows up as a disease or dis-ease. It can systematically break down the systems of the body, attacking the weakest systems first.  It kills the cells of the body faster than the body can produce new ones. The latest disease that I notice showing up more often is auto-immune disorder.  So the body actually attacks itself and has nothing to fight its environment with. How many of us are in the habit of negative self-talk?  Did you ever think of that as self abuse?

Think about it.  If we ARE beings of Love and Light, having a human experience in a world where darkness is a choice of Free Will, it seems that we are choosing to destroy ourselves.  Looking at the bigger picture, are we in fact, doing the same thing to our Mother Earth?  So as creators, what are we choosing to create?  What kind of world are we creating inside and out?

So I find myself in a place of being aware of old negative patterns and the need to choose Love for my well being.  Whenever the pain gets my attention,   It turns out self abuse can continue in thought habits so subtle we don't even notice.  This is where the  body gets to speak to us, get our attention, and support us in staying awake and aware.  It often shows up in pain or energy drain.  I think of my loved ones who are experiencing the same challenge.  I can't expect them to do something I have not done.

I asked the question to my good friend Christopher Stubbs, who is an amazing business breakthrough coach.  What are some measurable ways I can practice self love?  He said, "Be present enough with yourself to notice your thoughts, and notice how you respond to acknowledgments.  Breathe deeply when love is given.  Allow yourself to really FEEL it."  I needed something tangible. I was thinking about how that could work for me?  Remembering that a question leaves a void and the answer will come.

That night on Facebook, I found a page called Raw Naked Beauty Project.  WOW!  I mean WOW,  Katherine's story fit my own so closely in many aspects.  She had several posts on how to do "Selfie Lifts". Measurable ways to love yourself, including things we really need to do by ourselves, for ourselves and our bodies when Life feels like it really really just knocked us down.  Things that nurture soul and body.  Drifting into distractions, and being with others doesn't count.

  • A "Selfie Lift" might look like a nice soak in the tub with lit candles.
  • It might look like just some "me time" doing whatever it is you love to do.
  • It might be meditation or walking in nature.
  • Expressing gratitude for whatever is good in your life right now.
  • Literally caressing and expressing love and appreciation for every organ of your body, your level of health.
  • Hold your hands at your solar plexus while expressing any negativity you are feeling.  Then pour love into your body to fill the void.

Turns out we have a hard wired reaction to the negative because it threatens us.  According to scientific studies, five "Selfie Lifts" to every negative thought or experience is the recommended antidote.  The reason being that our defense mechanism is instinctual, meaning, it gets our full attention.  With positive thoughts, there is no threat, therefore not so much attention.  I wonder, if we are already subconsciously running negative stories about ourselves, we might even deflect positive feedback.  I was so inspired, I spent the rest of the night and the next day practicing letting the love all around me in, and practicing gratitude.

Then, I just happened to be reading a book called Grandmothers Council to the World.  It's about the thirteen indigenous Grandmothers, spiritual leaders, from all over the world who came together to bring us the message of what we can do to move through this difficult time with more ease.  Their main message is to 1) stay connected to yourself and all of nature, 2) face yourself, 3)be 100% present in each moment, 4)be quiet, LISTEN, 5)Let the elements love you, the wind hug you, the sunshine bless you. Breathe it all in, allowing and receiving the energy of life all around you. Know it is there to support you.  What a perfect addition to my "measurable" practice of self love.

The Grandmothers say, "Disease is a foreign thing.  It inhabits us to bother us into making necessary spiritual changes."  Sounds to me like our Spirit and body are actually working together to assist us in staying on track to do what we came to do.  Physical, emotional or mental pain or disability seem to be the most effective tools available to us until we get into the habit of loving ourselves.  What a great design!

The body is inherently designed to regenerate and repair itself.  It knows what to do.  It is up to us who occupy the body to create the environment to support its natural function.  It never ceases to amaze me how quickly we, as creators, create the exact level of health and experiences to match our awareness and commitment.  So If we are committed to Love, we get tons of support in that.  If we are committed to drama and chaos, we get tons of experiences with that.

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