I don't know that inedia is a means to immortality, nor do I have a plan. I have a lot of excitement around exploring "beyond belief", all the possibilities available to the human race. There is still much to learn. My hope is that we learn together. Anything you are called to share is welcomed.
Doing the fast may be seen as a form of asceticism. A few months ago, I recognized a lifelong pattern that started in puberty, of denying myself the pleasure of food and then binging as a reward when no one was looking. I suspected I had a food addiction, but it shocked me to realize that this could in reality be an eating disorder. This awareness assisted me in being even more conscious around my relationship to food, and being more present with subtle emotions. It also made sense why the hardest part of any fast for me was taking in food again. When I started eating food again, it was as though it was an addiction. I was ravenous.
I love the mindset the fast taught me, of trusting my body to do what it needs and assist me in knowing what that is, instead of thinking there is something wrong with me that needs fixing. I made a decision to just allow myself to outgrow my food addiction naturally.
It seems that since I set this intention in motion, my body has been responding. I cannot overeat even a little without going into extreme discomfort. With sun gazing to support me, I have lost a lot of my desire for unconscious eating. It has changed my mindset around food. I don't starve myself. I give myself permission to eat what I love without judgement.
Do you think the sun is one of many viable sources of food we have not yet developed? I wonder if in our evolution, there is a connection between our search for more sustainable sources of energy, and the information surfacing about alternative sources of food? What are your thoughts?
I catch myself thinking about eating just because it's mealtime. Then I realize I'm not hungry and my energy is good. I smile with gratitude for a different experience around food. I didn't really need or want it anyway just then. It feels so freeing to not pressure myself to measure portions and to not feel guilty when I eat food that I judged as "bad for me".
I notice I don't really enjoy preparing meals unless Gary is here to enjoy them with me. When it's just me, I mostly graze lightly while paying attention to what my body wants. I have heard of statistics showing that cutting food intake by 30% can actually trigger a longevity gene in older people. It certainly cuts down the energy expended by the body to digest food.
Thank you for sharing, I am finding some of the same feelings within my body and it helps me gain a new perspective. Love you Sis