Friday, August 5, 2011

Are You Listening?

I continue to feel stronger each day, as the healing process progresses.  I am gratefully receiving support from people, seen and unseen, who have experience in the areas I need support. 

I had some people call to come for a visit.  My intuition and body said NO, but I automatically bypassed that, (an old habit).  I didn't listen to the wisdom of my heart, nor the request for support from my body.  I set myself aside for them.  A common choice, right?  I paid the price, and got a HUGE learning. The energy they brought with them was well meaning, and fear based.  I recognized a pattern I have done throughout my life about rescuing people whom I judge have made a bad choice.  I got a taste of my own medicine.  As sensitive as I am right now, it was a dose I'll never forget.

In a place where my energies are so low, I've been forced to be very quiet, even quieting my thoughts.  What a gift!  I continue to be amazed at the insights and learnings that come in when I get to go to that level of stillness.  I'm learning about the thousands of choices we make every day.  When they are fear based, or out of alignment with our essence and purpose here on this planet, they rob us in ways we are unaware.  Our bodies are not designed to age, break down, and wear out.  We do that by the choices we make.  I will share more about that later. 

I have already received every intention I asked for, for this experiment, and continue to receive in abundance more than I ever anticipated.  Thank you, Thank you, God!

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