Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pearls Along the Way

I have spent more time in my heart in the last two months than I have my whole lifetime before this.  This Journey has been rich with pearls of insight, healing, awareness, FEELING, listening, surrendering, trusting, learning, sacred moments of unraveling on a core level of my subconscious mind, taking accountability, and letting go of anything not in alignment with LOVE.

Through the guidance of a wise shaman, I was shown an old destructive family pattern of subtle competitive triangulation that strangles sibling trust.

When my energies were ultra sensitive, I learned to take accountability for my participation in any relationship or person I avoided; see their innocence, recognize that all the judgements I had on them, were simply projections of judgements I had on  myself.  The pearl in this was that when I saw their innocence, I got to see my own innocence as well.  The gift of the innocent child, ME, is precious beyond words.  I was finally able to let go, on a subconscious level, the NEED to TRY to be good, TRY to ascend, or whatever "BE GOOD" looks like at the time.    I understood it conceptually, and yet, continued to  act as if I still needed to prove something.  I now KNOW in my heart of hearts, I don't need to TRY anymore.  I get to just live in my heart and experience BEING HUMAN.

There were an abundance of opportunities to surrender my monkey mind to the precious silence where PEACE stands firm in the face of fear.  Fear wants to control and manage the situation.  Peace knows God is in control; and the outcome will be for my highest good, when I LET GO of what I THINK the outcome should look like.

Now, this current opportunity to wear judgements I have had a lot to say about, that were not in alignment with LOVE.  Read my next blog, Eating Crow, for details.


  1. You are the utmost creator. You are creating your thought, words and actions, and also all that is around you. Use the power to play the way you want to experience your creation.

  2. Thank you for this valuable reminder.
