Friday, May 27, 2011

The Seed of Desire

My contemplation about the extended fast led me to a remembering of a desire that was planted in the soil of my soul several years ago while reading from The  Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding.(LTMFE)  As I pondered, I realized I have done a lot of work in the last 20 years to let go of any limiting beliefs, baggage and fears that have come between me and the Christ within. I have now experienced what "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God" means. I have come to a place of profound  and lasting peace, happiness, and abundant prosperity.  I felt an urge at the beginning of this year to increase my contemplation and introspection.  I realize now, it is really a strong inner urge to grow and expand my consciousness even more.  It's time now to get out of the next box of limiting beliefs.

I desire it in my deepest understanding - that of taking this physical body, as the inheritance talked about in scripture, the ultimate purpose of life on this planet.  Ever since I heard the message of Jesus overcoming death, and that he showed the way.  I have desired it.  I have never really been enamored by material things and events and doings, but I have always felt a deep connection to Mother earth and been curious about life, how it works, my purpose.  I think this is normal.

I realized at some point I became fascinated by the spiritual realm and all the beauty and possibilities to create by our very thought.  I became so dissatisfied with the nothingness of the material world, I thought death was the only way out of my misery.  Then I found Sons of God, Man Triumphant, and LTMFE (see above), and Autobiography of a Yogi.  In these stories as well as stories of John the Beloved and the Three Nephites of the Book of  Mormon, I found a possibility, sparked by Jesus' promise of salvation which I interpreted as no death

In my journey to Love myself, to know that I AM Love and all that implies, I began to form a strong desire to become like them - Ascended Masters!  I worked through many beliefs I had about myself and my body.  Finally, I understood the truth of an affirmation I learned from the Masters, "I AM now all I desire to BE."  As I allowed that to settle into my whole being, I became very content with who I AM.  Whether I died in this life or didn't was no longer an issue.  Immortality was not a goal I must attain, but a fact of my existence.  It would manifest on its own when I AM ready to know the Truth of It!  No rush! No pressure. Yeah!


  1. You should write a book Linda. Your heart, your spirit, and your journey are facinating. I love the way you share. I feel as if I have been on the journet with you and when I realize it is you, I feel as if your invitation to go where you are going is possible for us all.

  2. Yummm! Thank you. It is for YOU I do this. :)

  3. I really like that you brought up coffee! One of my favorite things in life (especially at the Mountain Coffee Spot) and how that can fit in with balanced eating.
