Friday, June 3, 2011

Possible Opportunities for Growth

I feel confident that the time is right.  My body, mind, and spirit are in  healthy balance.  However, I may have many opportunities show up to anchor in my commitment to inedia:

Craving for foods I love and don't often get-I hope my love for the new found energy I now have access to will assist me and replace the feeling of lack and heaviness I now have with food. I read on another breatharian site that the cravings for certain foods, is the body trying to come into physical balance because of emotional blocks. Hmm?

My family was up for the holiday.  Wouldn't you know it?  They brought my two all time favorite meals!  (pizza, and soup with garlic bread)  I was completely surprised how easy it was as I continued being conscious about what my body wanted.  I'm curious if the key here is that I have not put any pressure on myself to do this. Therefore, I know I am at choice in every moment.

My experience was, when I had the thought,"Whoa! This is my FAVORITE food!", I checked into my body to see if there was any emotional charge or craving.  I discovered that right now, I am more interested in realizing my desire than the few moments of pleasure with food.  Surprisingly, the aroma didn't even effect me. Through the Conscious Eating practice, I have  become so sensitive to the way my body FEELS, that now when I think about eating that kind of food, I realize it is not worth the heaviness my body endures for several hours. In addition, I have to expend lots of energy to process and get rid of the toxins I ingest. I'm really not interested in being an eating machine anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Linda. Your sharing is enlightening. It helps me look into my body and ask some serious questions.
