Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Awareness of the Gift

A dear friend asked me what my process is to let go of old beliefs that no longer serve my soul.  I've known that I have a learning process.  I just haven't thought about it in steps.

What I could articulate is that I have an insatiable curiosity and love for learning.  Mother was and avid reader and taught me how to gather information from books.  Dad was a strong influence for listening to the "still small voice", and following my heart, the Spirit of Truth.

One of the first experiences I recalled was when I prayed to know if I should live plural marriage.  I felt a huge swelling, pulsating sensation in my heart that literally sent me reeling back.  It was a full body yes!  The next time I felt what I call the "knowing", about a significant decision in my life, was when Faye was talking to me about Gary two and a half years later.  I was asking God the question, "Was this the family I belonged in?"  I felt a tangible stirring deep in my heart that was, again, an undeniable YES!

I assumed everyone worked this way and that it was normal.  In retrospect, I can see that whenever I have lived in my head, I have been miserable.  When I live from my heart and trust the signals, which I call Divine guidance, it always leads me to Truth and happiness.

As I pay more attention and become more aware of body sensations, thoughts that come in, and as I let go of baggage, I find God talking to me all the time through intuition. Then I realize the gift was always there.  Memories of my childhood come flooding in where God has guided me throughout life and never failed me.  Thank you, thank you, God.

Day 2: I woke at 4:30, felt great all morning until about 10:00 a.m.  I'm noticing a significant drop in energy today.  Resting a lot between activities.

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