Saturday, July 2, 2011

Be the Change

It seems that anytime I have been open to learning and expanding my Love and awareness, I have so many more choices and room for more possibilities.  I think society as a whole is realizing that they are limiting their choices by the myriad of surface distractions that appear to be choices, but lead to the same end, which in my view is slavery to the economic system created by "the elite".  I am now choosing out of this system as much as possible.  I commit to walking more gently on the earth and contributing to more harmony in my world.

When I think of the plethora of abuses to the planet just from our eating practices alone, I am shocked and appalled.  From the deforestation and  fossil fuels used for packaging alone, the abuse to the planet and the waste it creates is staggering!  I feel a deep saddness about the devastation of life in the rivers and oceans because of our insatiable appetites. 

I challenge you to pay more attention to your food purchases, and notice a gradual change in what you purchase and eat, just by being more conscious about it.  There are some really good documentaries that may be helpful to you.  "Food Inc." is one that comes to mind.  "Earthlings" is another.

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