Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 18

Today was very rough and challenging.  I had more deep emotional feelings that took me back to my first pregnancy, where I had done all the right things to prepare myself for  the best outcome for a normal, healthy baby.  The labor was a literal nightmare, the baby wouldn't come.  Later, the stillborn baby had to be extracted from my body.  I couldn't finish.  So, more fears of failure  cropped up for me to look at.  Since we hold fear in our stomachs, it increased the nausea to where I couldn't even eat ice.

I had scheduled a colonic, hoping to get things moving.  The whole process exhausted me more, but it sure moved a lot of toxins out.  The therapist emphasized that a lot of the symptoms I was having were signs of mineral depletion and toxic overload.  She gave me a couple of ounces of probiotic kiefer with a bit of pomegranate juice.  It felt so good, I decided to take a few days of this combination, alternating with lemon juice in water, and schedule two more days of colonics to clean the lymphs as well.

The problem came when I forgot an important point JMW makes in his book, LSWF about heavily diluting the juice at first.  I did the lemon water too strong, and it sent my stomach into spasms.  Not fun!   It felt so good to keep something down, I wasn't paying attention.

Right now, I'm trying some diluted mint tea to see if things will settle down.  Wish me luck!

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