The more I read from Life Style Without Food, the more I LOVE it! It is simple, direct, thorough, and easy to understand, and makes perfect sense. It gives me so much more insight that I feel confident in my quest as more information is given to me. I'm also noticing a lot of synchronicities coming together to support my desire.
Often, when I share what I am doing with others, their first response is something like, "I LOVE food. Why would I want to give that up?" For me it's not about giving anything up. It's an investment in more freedom. It's all about the FREEDOM to choose. To eat for pleasure rather than from a place of NEED, which has a subtle fear base. I love to question the status quo and check the limits of my belief system. This is my passion.
My body feels excited at the thought of the freedom from limitations available, the opportunity to learn and grow in an unknown, and show others who may become interested, how it works. I see an exciting opportunity to serve all God's children in various ways through this one experiment.
Day 5: my energy was really good this morning until I took Epsom salts to clean my bowels. I'm learning that it dehydrates me so badly for the rest of the day, it takes my energy way down. I think I'll stick with enemas when I need to clean out. It's more involving initially, but not worth a whole day of feeling icky. I kept being prompted to just do an enema and I would feel better. I put it off until dinner, when I finally obeyed the voice. I felt much better afterwards. Good lesson on what works and on listening to my intuition.
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