Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 20

I went in for the third colonic.  Still lots of dumping.  It completely wiped me out, and sent my spleen into a healing crises.  OUCH!  I had read in LSWF that as each organ is going through its own healing crises, there could be a lot of pain involved.  I feel so grateful to have my beloved there to take care of my needs.

I began to grasp the realization that my body has gone very deep, physically, mentally, and emotionally.  A lot of the fears were old familiar ones, so, easy to recognize.  Not so easy to move through.  I spent the next two days assisting the spleen to clean and heal.   Hardly able to move, I felt physically like I was loosing ground, but keeping in mind the healing process and feeling grateful for the inner strength and wisdom of my body  to know what to do. 

I had decided to move back to food.  I didn't really know the best way (self-doubt).  I was aware that you can run too far, too fast.  I felt I had reached a point of feeling emaciated.  The fear was that I had taken it too far.

It was difficult to find anything that didn't trigger the nausea, even mint.


  1. Linda, this process may be more about you listening to body wisdom than a pre-concieved goal or picture and I'm sure you know that. You have done lots of release on many levels and it is wisdom to know when to slow and nourish the body with the minerals and substances that allow organs and systems to thrive.

    For me, walking a line of moderation is the biggest challenge of all.

    Many Blessings!

  2. Yes! Letting go of expectations, results is my challenge. I have learned so much about my body with this experiement. To be gentle, kind, trust. Big learnings. Thank you for your support, Lynds.
